Imported auto expo


Source: Published: July/30/2009 15:41

The Imported Auto Expo has driven into Beijing.

The Imported Auto Expo has driven into Beijing. Domestic cars sales volume has topped a million units for four months in a row. Global car makers have their eye on China's booming market.And they've brought their latest designs to this expo in Beijing.

24 brands and more than 100 models. And nearly a third of the cars are fuel-efficient and environmental friendly.  Consumers are showing a decided preference for small and medium-sized engines.
Ms. Zeng, one consumer said "I think it's suitable to choose an engine between 2.0 and 3.0 liters. I won't consider the car with an engine of over 4 liters because it wastes too much fuel."

Latest figures from the China Automobile Trading Corporation show the number of imported cars with an engine of 3.0 liters and below rose nearly 40 percent in the first half of the year.  Bigger engines dropped about 13 percent year on year.

Shen Jinjun, Vice Chairman of China Automobile Dealers Assoc. said "So, based on this situation, China's auto market's performance in the first half of the year is recognized as the best in the world. I think that the market will continue to grow in the second half of the year."

Latest Customs figures show China imported 141 thousand cars in the first half of the year, down 34 percent year on year.But the number license plate applications jumped nearly 16 percent to 153 thousand. Experts says that's because consumers were buying imported cars in stock.

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