Japan's new vehicle sales fall 14.3% in Feb.


Source: Xinhua Published: March/02/2011 09:23

New vehicle sales in Japan, excluding minivehicles with an engine displacement of less that 660cc, fell for the sixth consecutive month in February, data from the Japan Automobile Dealers Association (JADA) showed Tuesday.

According to the industry body, sales of new vehicles declined 14.3 percent from a year earlier to 252,634 units, following a 21.5 percent fall in January and a 28.3 percent contraction in December.

The association reported that sales of passenger cars fell 16.2 percent to 226,691 units and bus sales retreated 27.5 percent to 1, 090 units.

Meanwhile, there was an upturn in truck sales the association reported, logging an 8.1 increase at 24,853 units in the recording month.

By company, sales of Toyota Motor Corp. vehicles, declined 21.3 percent, although the figure excludes its high-end Lexus brand and sales at its affiliates, including Daihatsu Motor Co. and Hino Motors Ltd.

Sales at Honda Motor Co. meanwhile retreated 16.1 percent and Nissan Motor Co.'s sales skidded down 7.8 percent on year in February, the association's data showed.

The JADA noted that industrywide sales in 2010 actually rose 11 percent to 3.23 million vehicles, citing government incentives increasing demand for fuel-efficient vehicles.

However, the association speculated recently that auto sales in Japan may drop 13 percent to 2.8 million vehicles in 2011, as the government eco-incentive scheme expired in September.

Separately, the Japan Mini Vehicle Association said Tuesday that domestic sales of mini-vehicles fell 9 percent on year in February, totaling 148,658 units and marking the fifth straight month of decline.

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