China auto sales increase by 63%


Source: Global Times Published: August/10/2009 10:59

Auto sales in China reached 1.0856 million units in July, up 65.57 percent over the same period last year, driven by economic recovery, government policy, and strong demand.

The so-called low season was performing well and sales of more than 1 million units were steady for five consecutive months. This ranks China No. 1 in the world with 7,1844 million units from January to July, up 23.38 percent, according to the latest data released by the Chinese Association of Automobile Manufacturers.

In July, 830,260 units were sold, an increase of 70.54 percent. The commercial vehicles market, especially goods vehicle market saw growth too, with 166,800 trucks sold in July, up 43.29 percent. Sales of semi-trailer trucks reached 22,900 units, an increase of 117.24 percent.

Agencies and Wang Lei contributed to this story

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