FAW close to hitting 2009 sales target


Source: Global Times Published: October/10/2009 12:33

Deputy general manager of FAW Car Co. Ltd. Wang Fachang says the sales target of the Besturn brand in 2009 is about 62,000, and that the car company was close to meeting its target.

Statistics show that in the first half of this year, sales of the Besturn B70 surpassed 27,000 vehicles, an average of about 5,000 per month. FAW had invested 800 million yuan in researching and developing the car, which has led to good sales.

At the same time, the 2010 Besturn B70 has released seven new models, with prices ranging from 129,800 yuan to 188,800 yuan. Wang added that the number of Besturn distributors has increased from 130 last year to 150 in 2009, making FAW confident of meeting its sales target.

In June this year the total sales of FAW cars reached 10,220 per month, but its vehicles are in short supply because there isn’t enough production capacity to manufacture the M6, B50, B70 and Ruiyi. As a result, FAW is investing 2 billion yuan to build a second plant next year.

Wang said that this will help boost production to 200,000 vehicles per year by 2012.

Agencies and Wang Yang contributed to this story

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