GM: China sales growth to drop off in 2010


Source: Global Times Published: November/24/2009 17:27

General Motors Co. said its China sales growth will decrease dramatically next year as the incentives brought on by the government will expire by the end of the year.

The automaker expects China sales to rise 15 percent in 2010 compared with a 50 percent increase in 2009, Kevin Wale, president of GM's China operations, said in an interview at the Guangzhou Auto Show.

GM sold 166,911 units in China last month, more than double the number last year. In total, the company and its joint ventures had sales of 1.5 million units from January to November in China.

Competing with Volkswagen AG and other carmakers in China, GM plans to roll out 30 new or revamped models in China from 2009 to 2014, including 10 Buick and Chevrolet models due for launch this year and next.

Agencies and Shi Jierui contributed to this story

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