Chinese auto sales may slow in 2010


Source: Xinhua Published: February/01/2010 08:44

Growth in China's vehicle sales may slow in 2010 because of a large base, according to the Ministry of Commerce.

Auto sales in 2010 are forecast to rise above 10 percent from 2009 to more than 15 million units, according to the ministry on Saturday.

"We are still confident of sales for 2010 as the government's policy to stimulate consumption at all levels will continue," said Chang Xiaochun, director of the department of market system development under the ministry. "But the robust growth momentum of last year cannot be sustained. Double-digit growth is not a difficult goal."

China's auto sales jumped 46.2 percent in 2009 from the previous year, the fastest in more than a decade. Last year, 13.65 million units were sold, making China the largest auto market when it overtook United States for the first time.

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