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Survey shows higher customer satisfaction for Detroit automakers

  • Source: Xinhua
  • [14:01 August 19 2009]
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Detroit automakers received unprecedented customer satisfaction scores due to improved quality and lower prices, said a US survey released Tuesday.

Ford led the way with a 5-percent increase in customer satisfaction in the second quarter from the same period a year ago, while Chrysler and General Motors was up by 4 percent and 2 percent respectively, according to the survey done by the University of Michigan.

As always, the highest-priced brands led the customer-satisfaction index, with Cadillac and Lexus tallying scores of 89, followed by Buick, Honda and Lincoln Mercury at 88.

Volkswagen scored 86, the highest among European carmakers, with a 6-percent improvement, said the survey.

The University of Michigan compiles the satisfaction index based on 11,000 surveys and responses from customers who bought cars at retail stores, e-retail sites and online auction sites.