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For whom Toyota alarm tolls

  • Source: Xinhua
  • [08:40 February 09 2010]
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And Dimitrios Biller, a former attorney for Toyota told Reuters that Toyota systematically hid evidence that would have led to costly trials..."only for the interest of saving money."

In addition, problems are also raised about electronics, which experts said would be even tougher and more costly during the massive recall.

Some critics were even suspicious about whether Toyota had been completely open about other problems.

Now with its golden reputation on quality, reliability and efficiency being questioned, Toyota is facing severe challenges. The current crisis has offered some bitter lessons not only for Toyota, but other automakers or all enterprises worldwide for that matter.

First of all, the solidest fame is the easiest to damage. Though the president of Toyoda noted the company is still safe, many consumers would hang back from the most guaranteed brand.

Secondly, quality, not profit, is the ultimate focus for enterprises. Toyota is noted for using common parts across many models. This panacea for earning is also one of the root causes for the massive recall.

Finally, the most important lesson is that any excuse is lame when it comes to human life. Toyota has repeatedly claimed that the problems were "rare," but the accumulated lawsuits and historic recall may be just the tip of the iceberg, or an alarm bell for those who are on or heading toward the Toyota way.

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