Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/5/23 16:28:41

Chat attack

protect from the sun



A: The weather has changed really fast over the past few days. Just yesterday the windy weather was making everyone put on a jacket, but today it's super hot.  


(zhèjǐtiān de tiānqì biàn dé tàikuài le, zuótiān de dàfēnɡ rànɡ dàjiā dōu chuānshànɡ le wàitào, jīntiān jiù biàndé zhème rè le.) 

B: It seems that I don't need to wear the jacket , but at least I can use it to protect me from the sun.                       


(kànlái wǒ de wàitào yònɡbùshànɡ le. dànshì kěyǐ yònɡlái fánɡshai.) 

A: I didn't bring anything at all, and now it seems that I have a sunburn.                  


(wǒ shénme dōu méidài, wǒ de pífū hǎoxiànɡ shaishānɡ le.)  

B: Your arms are already red, but it doesn't look too bad. When you get home put a cold towel on it. Tomorrow, you make sure you put some sunscreen on your skin.                 


(nǐ de ɡēbó yǐjīnɡ fāhónɡ le, bùɡuò hái bùyánzhònɡ. huíjiā zhīhòu ɡǎnjǐn yònɡ liánɡmáojīn fū yīxià, mínɡtiān chūmén jìdé mǒ yīxiē fánɡshàishuānɡ.)


Illustration: Xia Qing/GT


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