China to launch international journal on satellite navigation

Source:Xinhua Published: 2019/5/24 10:05:24

China will launch an international English journal called "Satellite Navigation," according to the China Science Daily Thursday.

The journal is coordinated by the Aerospace Information Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Springer Nature. The journal is open to submission and is expected to be published officially in October. The journal will be published in an open-access format and can be obtained free of charge once published.

The journal will focus on the latest theoretical development and technical applications in the field of satellite navigation. It will publish original papers and reviews on areas including satellite navigation signal processing, anti-jamming methods, satellite orbit determination and geoscience.

Yang Yuanxi, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and deputy chief designer of the Beidou Satellite Navigation System will be the chief editor of the journal. The editorial board will invite experts from other countries including the US, Canada, Germany, UK, Japan and Finland.

Satellite navigation is an interdisciplinary technology that involves engineering, aviation, and geodesy. It is vital to establish a scientific research and communication platform that can bring together researchers from various fields, the newspaper quoted Yang as saying.

Posted in: AIR & SPACE