Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/6/10 12:03:39

Chat attack

electric scooter



A: I saw something interesting yesterday. An 8- or 9-year-old girl was riding an electric scooter and there was an even smaller child, maybe 3 or 4, behind her. The police saw them heading down the bike lane and immediately stopped them. 


(zuótiān wǒkànjiànɡè yǒuyìsī de shì. yīɡè bājiǔsuì de xiǎonǚhái, qíɡè diàndònɡchē, hòumiàn háizǎi zhe yīɡè ɡènɡxiǎode, dàɡài yějiù sānsìsuì. zài fēijīdònɡchēdào shànɡ, jiāojǐnɡ kànjiàn le lìmǎ ɡěilánxià láile.) 

B: What were these two squirts doing? It sounds a bit dangerous.                        


(zhèliǎnɡɡè xiǎojiāhuǒ shìyào ɡànmá qù ya? tīnɡqǐlái yǒudiǎn bùānquán a.) 

A: I know, right? The older one was looking at a her mobile phone GPS while steering. I watched on as the police talked to them. They said their mom was in the hospital and that they missed her so they were heading to the hospital to see her.                   


(kěbùshì me? nàɡè dà de biānkànshǒujī dǎohánɡ biānqíchē. wǒkàn jiāojǐnɡ xúnwèn tāmén. tāménliǎ shuōshì māma zhùyuàn le, xiǎnɡtā le, yàoqù yīyuàn kànwànɡtā.) 

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT



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