Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/7/9 11:53:40

Chat attack

phone data


(shǒujī liúliànɡ) 

A: I don't know what is up with my phone data this month, I used up a lot.  


(wǒ zhèɡèyuè shǒujī liúliànɡ bùzhī wéishénme tèbié fèi.) 

B: I end up spending a lot of money every month too.


(wǒ měiɡèyuè shǒujī liúliànɡ yěyào huāfèi hěnduōqián.) 

A: I really don't understand it. I clearly topped it off just yesterday and it's telling me I've used it all up again. Data usage beyond my plan is really expensive.          


(wǒ zhēnshì hěn bùmínɡbái, mínɡmínɡ zuótiān ɡānɡ chōnɡzhí de, jiù ɡàosù wǒ yòu yònɡɡuānɡ le. chāochū tàocānwài de liúliànɡ hái tèbié ɡuì.)   

B: Is it possible that some apps on your phone are using up a lot of data? You should close them.   


(kěnénɡ shǒujīshànɡ yǒuxiē ruǎnjiàn bǐjiào fèi liúliànɡ? xūyào ɡuān yīxià ba.)   

A: Maybe. Like this app I use to listen to music, it uses up a lot of data.


(yěxǔ ba. xiànɡ wǒ zhèɡè tīnɡ yīnyuè de ruǎnjiàn sìhū jiùhěn fèi liúliànɡ.)

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT


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