Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/7/10 14:43:40

Chat attack

constantly think about


(xīnxīn niànniàn) 

A: I finally bought that motorcycle I've been constantly thinking about.  


(wǒ zhōnɡyú bǎwǒ xīnxīn niànniàn de mótuōchē mǎi le.) 

B: Great. I've heard you talk about it for a while now. But don't you also need a drivers license for a motorcycle?


(bùcuò ya. tīnɡ nǐ niàndao hěnjiǔ le. dànshì qí mótuōchē shìbúshì yěyào jiàzhào ya?) 

A: Yup, it's pretty much like testing for the drivers license for other vehicles, you have to go to class and take a test before you can get it.         


(duì, hé kǎo qítā chē de jiàzhào chàbùduō, yào qù shànɡkè, kǎoshì, ránhòu cáinénɡ nádào.)   

B: I thought about getting one for a while, but I didn't have time due to work so I just bought an electric scooter.    


(wǒ yīzhí yětǐnɡ xiǎnɡ kǎo yīɡè de. dàn ɡōnɡzuò tàimánɡ, méikònɡ, jiùzhíjiē mǎi le ɡè diàndònɡchē.)   

A: Well they are both tools to keep you from having to go by foot. 


(fǎnzhènɡ dōushì dàibù ɡōnɡjù.)

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT



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