Aussie TV show about Xinjiang ‘deplorable’

By Leng Shumei Source:Global Times Published: 2019/7/16 22:13:40

Region’s development, stability and prosperity are evident to whole world

Residents dance happily in China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Photo: Cui Meng/GT

As the development of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region becomes obvious to the rest of the world, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation broadcast a show about the region on Monday that showed nothing but the producers' ignorance and cold-blooded attitude toward the happiness of people in the region and was totally deplorable, according to the Chinese Embassy and experts. 

An episode of Four Corner of the Australian TV on Monday said China was operating the world's largest prison in Xinjiang by detaining a million citizens while monitoring the rest in their homes.

The show alleged that the Chinese government was using cutting-edge technology, mass surveillance and artificial intelligence to control an entire population. 

In response, the Chinese Embassy to Australia released a statement on its official website the same day noting "the episode is full of lies, distortion and bias" and misleads the audience with "absurd logic and ridiculous conclusion by selective reporting that patched up fragmented footage and unfounded information." 

It was obvious that the producers and reporters of this program were utterly ignorant of China, utterly disrespected China's rule of law and were utterly cold-blooded to the well-being of the people in Xinjiang, the Embassy said. 

The show was an "extremely unprofessional and unethical production, nothing but despicable and deplorable," according to the Embassy.

Chinese experts noted that some Western media would fail in their desire to hype Xinjiang human rights issues as the development, stability and prosperity of the region were evident to the whole world. 

Western rhetoric just served its own political or other purposes, according to Chinese observers.

Australia has been frequently attacking China on human rights issues in Xinjiang, and shares close relations with US right-wing parties, Yu Lei, a research fellow at Liaocheng University's Research Center of Pacific Island Countries in East China's Shandong Province, told the Global Times on Tuesday.   

Many of those Western countries and their media are just hyping Xinjiang issues for their own purposes or to attract public attention, said the observers. 

Chinese observers pointed out that Australia has seen rising antipathy against Muslims in recent years. 

For example, Australian media have reported that some public figures have openly made Islamophobic comments.

Some Western countries want to hype human rights issues in Xinjiang, but they would fail as everyone knows their purpose is to contain China's development and growing influence, Yu said.

The world would see the actual development of the region and the growing well-being of residents, he said.

The Four Corner episode came days after 37 countries, including some Muslim-majority countries, sent a joint letter to the United Nations on July 12 in support of China's governance of Xinjiang in apparent response to a letter from 22 developed countries including Australia that criticized China's policies in the region.

"Seeing is believing. Unlike the 22 Western countries which criticized China's Xinjiang policies based on guesswork and rumors, many of the 37 countries' diplomats have paid visits to Xinjiang and have seen what is really happening," Li Wei, a counter-terrorism expert at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations in Beijing, previously told the Global Times.

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