Chat attack
A: What happened to your hand? Why are there so many bandages wrapped around it?
(nǐ de shǒu zěnmele? zěnme chánzhe nàmeduō bēnɡdài?)
B: It was really unlucky. I was weeding in my yard this weekend and hurt my hand. It bled a lot.
(wǒ zhēnshì tài dǎoméi le, zhōumò zài wǒjiā de yuànzi lǐ chúcǎo shí bǎ shǒu nònɡshānɡ le, liú le hěnduō xiě.)
A: You really weren't careful. You have to pay more attention next time.
(nǐ zhēnshì tài bùxiǎoxīn le, xiàcì yào zhùyì diǎn.)
B: You're right. I really don't want to work in the yard on such a hot day again. Once the weather gets hot it is really hard to concentrate.
(nǐ shuōde méicuò, wǒ zàiyě bùxiǎnɡ zhème rè de tiān zài yuànzi lǐ ɡànhuóer le, tiānqì yī rè jiù rónɡyì jīnɡlì bù jízhōnɡ.)
A: I really can't understand the troubles you rich people face.
(wǒ wúfǎ lǐjiě nǐmén yǒuqián rén de fánnǎo.)
Illustration: Xia Qing/GT