Chinese animated film "Ne Zha" has been leading Chinese mainland box office for 16 straight days until Saturday since its release, the China Movie Data Information Network said Sunday.
The feature, already the highest-grossing domestic animated film on the Chinese mainland, earned 177.78 million yuan (about 25.17 million US dollars) on Saturday, with a total box office of nearly 3.34 billion yuan.
Telling the story of Ne Zha, a beloved Chinese mythical figure, the film features a daring overhaul of Ne Zha's appearance and depicts him more as a mischievous boy instead of the hero kid in previous cinematic works.
Coming in second was a Chinese feature film putting spotlight on firefighters,"The Bravest," grossing a total box office of 1.06 billion yuan since its release on Aug. 1.
It was followed by an action crime drama "Line Walker 2," which raked in 69.64 million yuan on its forth day of screening.