Why are the Chinese brushing aside Trump’s tweets?

By Mu Lu Source:Global Times Published: 2019/8/26 21:33:39

Chinese people are paying less and less attention to US President Donald Trump's words, with more people calling them a bluff. Why?

Trump being elected as US President surprised many, including Chinese people. It was something novel for them to see a president govern by Twitter, but he also frightened many Chinese when he lashed out at China on the social media platform.

They had thought what Trump tweeted were representative of mainstream US society and would affect China, and thus their lives. 

Many people were concerned they would have to suffer a downgraded lifestyle due to Trump's tariff war against China as he described. He vowed to correct trade practices of China by imposing additional tariffs, saying China would pay to help the US make more money. But the truth is many American enterprises are suffering from the tariffs and Americans have to shoulder higher living costs.

Initially, some Chinese people took Trump as a maverick politician, being a businessman-turned-US president. But soon they discovered that his policies lack consistency. 

He blows hot and cold one day to another. He repeatedly contradicts himself by his own tweets. Take the choice for US Secretary of State. When Trump chose Rex Tillerson in December 2016, he praised Tillerson for his "tenacity, broad experience and deep understanding of geopolitics." But after their relations turned sour, Trump called Tillerson "a man who is 'dumb as a rock' and totally ill-prepared and ill-equipped to be Secretary of State."

The Chinese people are now aware that Trump would say something impulsively on Twitter regardless of a president's code of conduct. Followed by more than 63 million people on Twitter, Trump is using the platform to attack and bully those with different political views. As Grammy winner Taylor Swift said in an interview with The Guardian published on Friday, Trump is "gaslighting the American public into being like, 'If you hate the president, you hate America.'"

Trump on Friday ordered American companies to immediately leave China and make products in the US. This time, few Chinese were shocked as they know it is not feasible. According to a New York Times report, American business is deeply intertwined with China, and untangling it would be messy and potentially destructive to the global economy.

Tweets under the hashtag #TrumpGibberish recently went viral, where we can see that Trump's posts increasingly lack credibility. So why would Chinese care about what he tweets?

Trump has turned Twitter into a stage for his political show, where he says things to gain votes for reelection. He repeats what he has done for the US - to provide Americans welfare, and to "make America great again." But he is actually damaging the interests of his own country and people.

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