Cruz’s egregious intentions exposed during his HK visit

By Tian Feilong Source:Global Times Published: 2019/10/15 20:53:40

A rioter attempts to throw a Molotov cocktail into a building in Admiralty, Hong Kong SAR, on October 1. Photo: Xinhua

US Republican Senator Ted Cruz recently paid a brief visit to China's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), hobnobbing with protest leaders in the city, turning a blind eye to the violence, vandalism and unlawful acts of rioters while criticizing Hong Kong police, the SAR government and the Chinese central government. 

Cruz is an anti-China hawk. As one of the main sponsors of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, he represents those in the US Congress who support interference in the recent protests in Hong Kong. 

Cruz should have heard and conveyed diverse voices and should influence US congressional review and discussion in a positive way through field observation and independent assessments. Impartial investigation accords with US interests. If the Congress passes the Act indiscreetly, it would lead to estranged China-US ties, which would jeopardize US interests. 

Cruz's irresponsible words and deeds in Hong Kong only showed double standards. Cruz claimed on Saturday he had never heard or seen evidence of rioting, vandalism or mob attacks in the city. This is a distortion of the fundamental facts of the ongoing Hong Kong riots. He could have seen the truth if he took a ride on Hong Kong's Mass Transit Railway, interviewed local citizens randomly and talked with SAR officials. 

The Hong Kong SAR government issued a statement on Sunday, saying Chief Executive Carrie Lam Chen Yuet-ngor called off a planned meeting with Cruz the day before because of "other duty commitments." The statement also said "while we respect the freedom of speech of foreign politicians, we consider that comments should be based on fact," suggesting that Cruz was lying when he said he hadn't seen any violence at the protests.

The fact that Cruz pretended to be blind in front of truth and publicly told lies shows that the senator does not deserve a dialogue with policymakers or common people in Hong Kong. He brought prejudice along with him to the city, and took the same prejudice back to the US. Such an irresponsible senator can hardly bring any valuable legislative information to the US Congress. 

Cruz's words and deeds also showed the divergences within the US government. The main purpose of the Trump administration is to utilize Hong Kong as leverage in China-US trade talks. Trump showed his art of deal on the issue. During trade talks with China's Vice Premier Liu He on Friday, he said the situation in Hong Kong is "going to take care of itself." However, anti-China hawks in US Congress are showing their "art of cold war," trying to pile pressure on China over the Hong Kong affairs. This has threatened not only the China-US ties, but also world peace. 

Cruz's behavior might encourage rioters in Hong Kong to carry out worse violence, further undermine the rule of law and social security in the city and foment hatred between citizens in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland. 

Cruz sent wrong signals to Hong Kong opposition forces: First, the US does not recognize the existence of violence and would thus further encourage violent protests; second, the relevant US act will provide backup for rioters. Third, the US would impose sanctions on officials and police officers who have been cracking down on violence in keeping with law, strategically coordinating with Hong Kong rioters; fourth, the US encourages Hong Kong opposition forces to carry out "color revolution." In other words, Cruz went to Hong Kong to bark out US orders and offer technical guidance, instead of conducting an impartial investigation or mediation. 

In the face of such illegal political provocations, the Chinese central government and Hong Kong SAR government should declare Cruz a persona non grata and restrict his entry into China. Under the framework of "one country, two systems" principle, Hong Kong opposition forces' kissing-up to the US and US politicians' illegal interference will only disrupt Hong Kong's own social order, hurt the city's interests, but will hardly shake the stability and legal foundation of China's political system. 

Cruz's behavior once again proved the necessity and urgency for Hong Kong to enact security legislation. 

The author is associate professor at Beihang University in Beijing and member of Beijing-based Chinese Association of Hong Kong and Macao Studies.

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