Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/11/11 11:18:40

Chat attack

online game



A: It's really frightening to see kids so immersed in games. After my little brother gets home from school, he never lets go of his cell phone. He just keeps playing.


(xiànzài de háizi chénmí yóuxì de yànɡzi zhēn kěpà. wǒ dìdi fànɡxué huíjiā, shǒujī jiù méi fànɡxià lái ɡuò. yīzhí zài wán.) 

B: So isn't that why the country introduced that policy? From 10 pm to 8 am, minors are prohibited from playing online games. The amount of money they can put on their account is also limited.


(suǒyǐ ɡuójiā bùshì chūtái zhènɡcè le ma? wèichénɡnián rén wǎnshànɡ shídiǎn dào zǎoshànɡ bādiǎn jìnzhǐ wán wǎnɡyóu. chōnɡzhí jīn'é yě yǒu le xiànzhì.)

A: I am in full support of this. He's already failed three classes this semester.


(wǒ quánlì zhīchí. tā zhèɡè xuéqī kǎoshì yǐjīnɡ ɡuà le sānkē le.)

B: Well, since I'm an adult, I can stay up all night playing. 


(háihǎo wǒ yǐjīnɡ chénɡnián le, wǒ jīnwǎn jiù wán ɡè tōnɡxiāo.)

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT



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