Huawei issues long statement, defending safety of its networks

By Li Xuanmin Source:Global Times Published: 2019/11/17 15:58:39

A person uses the Huawei Mate X, the first 5G foldable smartphone from Huawei, during the 17th China Digital Entertainment Expo, also known as ChinaJoy 2019, in Shanghai, in August, 2019. Photo: IC

In a rare move to defend its corporate prestige amid a relentless US government attack, Huawei Technologies publicized a position paper on Sunday, stating Huawei-made telecom gear is safe, without serious cyber security breaches in the past years. 

The world's top 5G networks manufacturer urged all telecom stakeholders to evaluate risks in a manner that is "rational, objective, and based on evidences."

The 78-page statement on cyber security is the first time that Huawei systematically summarizes its stance on protecting cyber security in detail while the US-initiated trade war with China is entering its 17th month. In May, Huawei was put on a trade black list by US Department of Commerce, which sought to cut off crucial US component supplies to Huawei. 

In the statement, Huawei called the international community to allow facts to speak aloud for themselves. It stressed that Huawei's advanced networks has never experienced any serious cyber security breach nor caused a large-scale network breakdown so far. 

"If we focus our attention on irrelevant factors like vendors' country of origin, it will only make assessing security issue more complicated and may lead to an uncontrollable outcome," the position paper said.

Ma Jihua, a veteran industry analyst, said that the release of the position paper shows Huawei is "taking the initiative" to address US' badmouthing the company on the world stage, which is a departure from its past strategy of passive defense.

"It also demonstrates that Huawei is now running quite well despite the brutal US trade blockade, and that the company has the confidence to speak out to its own legitimate interests," Ma told the Global Times on Sunday. 

In the paper, Huawei recommended that governments and industry organizations work together to create unified cyber security standards that are technologically neutral and could apply to all vendors and their networks. 

In addition, Huawei suggested that a third-party cyber security verification mechanism be set up to oversee the industry, which will also ensure all conclusions are based on facts while not bias. 

"Huawei's suggestion is logical and reasonable. The Chinese company has been treated so unfairly by the US government, which uses every tool at its disposal to batter Huawei's business just for its political goals. A unified standard and a third-party watchdog will ward off the attempts and create a level playing field," Ma said. 

If Washington does not respond to Huawei's proposal, it will risk losing a moral score, Ma added. 

Despite Washington's assault on Huawei, many European countries including US allies, parted ways with US and planned to roll out Huawei's world advanced 5G mobile networks in their countries because they simply do not want to be left behind in 5G.