Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/11/17 17:38:39

Chat attack




A: The world is full of amazing things! A lake that disappeared from the Dunhuang desert for 300 years has reappeared.


(shìjiè zhēnshì wúqíbùyǒu. dūnhuánɡ shāmò lǐ xiāoshīle sānbǎinián zhījiǔ de húbó yòu huíláile.) 

B: Yup. I saw a report that said that the number of wild animals and plants have gradually recovered. It has already become an oasis full of water and grass. 


(shìā,wǒ kànbàodào shuō, yěshēnɡdònɡwù hé zhíbèi de shùliànɡ yězài zhújiàn huīfù. nàer yǐjīnɡ shì yīpiàn shuǐcǎo fēnɡměi de lǜzhōule.) 

A: Experts say that this will prevent the invasion of the desert. It will have a proactive impact when it comes to protecting the culture and ecosystem of Dunhuang. 


(zhuānjiā shuō zhè jiānɡhuì èzhì shāmò de rùqīn, duì bǎohù dūnhuánɡ wénhuà hé shēnɡtài huánjìnɡ qǐdào jījíde xiàoɡuǒ.)

B:  I give my fullest respect to the environmental workers in the northwest. 


(xiànɡ dàxīběi de huánjìnɡ ɡōnɡzuòzhě xiànshànɡ chónɡɡāo de jìnɡyì.)

llustration: Xia Qing/GT


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