Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/11/19 17:23:40

Chat attack

promotional streams


(dàihuò zhíbō) 

A: Internet celebrity Weiya actually connected with Kim Kardashian during a stream? This is a textbook example of using the celebrity effect to promote consumer spending.  


(wǎnɡhónɡ wēiyà de zhíbō jūrán liánxiàn dàole kǎdàishān? zhè zhēnshì jiàokēshū shìde lìyònɡ mínɡrén xiàoyīnɡ cìjī xiāofèi deànlì a.) 

B: I really dislike these promotional streams, they are too in your face.

我挺反感这些带货直播的, 太过喧嚣。

(wǒ tǐnɡfǎnɡǎn zhèxiē dàihuò zhíbōde, tàiɡuò xuānxiāo )

A:  But  this model has been warmly welcomed. They have packaged consumerism as something fresh and new, so you don't feel any pressure from the economic downturn.


(kěshì zhèzhǒnɡ móshì dàshòu huānyínɡ. tāmén bǎ xiāofèi bāozhuānɡ de ɡuānɡxiān yòurén, rànɡrén sīháo ɡǎnshòu bùdào jīnɡjìxiàxínɡ de yālì.)

B: But many of the products promoted have no guarantee when it comes to quality.


(dànshì bèituī de hěnduō chǎnpǐn dōu méiyǒu zhìliànɡ bǎozhènɡ.)

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT



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