Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/11/25 17:48:40

Chat attack

objects falling from high up


(ɡāokōnɡ zhuìwù) 

A: I was walking by my building yesterday and suddenly water came pouring down. Luckily I dodged it and only got a little wet. That was pretty unlucky, don't you think?


(wǒ zuótiān zài wǒjiā lóuxià zǒuzhene, tūrán yīpén shuǐ jiāoxiàlái, háihǎo wǒduǒdéjíshí, zhī línshī leyīdiǎn. nǐshuō dǎoméi bùdǎoméi.) 

B: Luckily it was just poured water. Objects falling from high up is pretty dangerous. An egg falling from the top of a high building has deadly force. 


(háihǎo nǐyù dàode zhīshì pōshuǐ. ɡāokōnɡ zhuìwù duōwēixiǎnā, yīɡè jīdàn cónɡ ɡāolóucénɡ záxiàlái dōuhuì yǒu qiánɡdà de shāshānɡlì.)

A: I saw a news report once about a 3-year-old girl who got hit by a bottle of mineral water that fell from the seventh floor. When walking outside, not only do you have to pay attention to the road, you also have to look up at the sky! 


(wǒ háikàn ɡuòsānsuì nǚtónɡ bèiqī lóu diàoluò de kuànɡquánshuǐpínɡ záshānɡde xīnwén. zǒulù bùɡuānɡ yàokànlù, háidéi wànɡzhe tiānshànɡ.)

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT



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