Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/11/26 17:13:40

Chat attack

help with homework


(fǔdǎo zuòyè)

A: Yesterday I was helping my son with his homework and I nearly exploded in anger. I taught him 3+2=5 so many times, but in the end he still wrote 8. 

昨天我辅导我家儿子做作业,差点被气死。教了多少遍3+2=5, 最后他写上去还是8。

(zuótiān wǒfǔdǎo wǒjiāérzǐ zuòzuòyè, chàdiǎn bèiqìsǐ. jiàole duōshǎo biànsān jiāèr děnɡyú wǔ, zuìhòu tā xiěshànɡqù háishìbā. ) 

B: This is why I don't want to have kids. You feed and clothe them, and all you get is frustration.


(suǒyǐ wǒ bùxiǎnɡ shēnɡxiǎohái. ɡònɡ tāmén chīchuān, háiyào shòuqì.)

A: I'm already exhausted by the time I get home from work every day, once I think about having to help my kid with his homework, my blood pressure goes through the roof. 


(měitiān jiābān huíjiā dōuɡòulèile, yīxiǎnɡdào yàoɡěi háizǐ fǔdǎo zuòyè, wǒ ɡāoxuèyā dōuyào fànle.)     

B:  Try to be patient. Your kid just started school, there is still plenty to come.


(rěnrěnbā, nǐxiǎohái cáiɡānɡ shànɡxué, jiānɡlái háiyǒu nǐshòude.)

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT



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