Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/12/1 12:03:39

Chat attack

urge to get married



A: It's already December. Are you heading home for the New Year's holiday this year?


(yǐjīnɡ shíèryuè la. nǐ jīnnián yuándàn huíjiā ma?) 

B: No. As a young single who is constantly urged to get married, every time I go back my mother and father want me to go on blind dates. It's so annoying. 


(bùhuí. zuòwéi yīɡè bèi cuīhūn de dānshēn qīnɡnián, měicì huíqù wǒ bàmā zǒnɡ lāwǒ qù xiānɡqīn, fán dōu fánsǐ le.)

A: Aren't you only 25? Why are you already being urged to get married? 


(nǐ jīnnián cái èrshíwǔ ba? zěnme xiànzài jiù kāishǐ bèi cuīhūn le?)

B: My family has all gotten married early. The older generation think that getting married is a huge life event, and that if you don't get married you will have no one to rely on. 


(wǒmén jiā nàbiān pǔbiàn jiéhūn zǎo. lǎoyībèi zǒnɡ juédé jiéhūn shì rénshēnɡ dàshì, bù jiéhūn, jiānɡlái yīɡèrén wúyī wúkào.)

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT



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