Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/12/2 17:13:39

Chat attack

bamboo bridge



A: A small village in Chongqing used 16 tortoise-shell bamboo poles to make a bamboo bridge. They called it the "one heart" bridge. They even won the "Oscar" of the architecture world for it!

重庆一个小村子用16根毛竹造了一座竹桥, 取名叫"一心"桥。还获得了建筑界的"奥斯卡"奖!

(zhònɡqìnɡ yīɡè xiǎocūnzǐ yònɡ shíliùɡēn máozhú zàole yīzuò zhúqiáo, qǔmínɡ jiào"yīxīn"qiáo. hái huòdéle jiànzhùjiè de "àosīkǎ" jiǎnɡ.) 

B: The name is really nice, but how much weight can the bridge handle? If it was made from bamboo, I'd be a little bit worried. 


(mínɡzì tǐnɡhǎotīnɡ. bùɡuò chénɡzhònɡ nénɡlì ne? yònɡ zhúzǐzuò de, zǒnɡyǒudiǎn bùfànɡxīn.)

A:  No need to worry. At least 200 people travel over the bridge every day and it is still solid. 


(bùyònɡ dānxīn, měitiān ɡuòqiáo de rén dōubùshǎoyú liǎnɡbǎi. háishì hěnjiéshíde.)

B: That's good to hear. I hope more rural villages can learn from them.


(nàjiùhǎo. xīwànɡ ɡènɡduō cūnzi nénɡxiànɡ tāmén xuéxí.)

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT



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