Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/12/2 17:13:40

Chat attack

grab people's attention


(bórén yǎnqiú) 

A: Today's reality shows are really popular. Stars jumping into water, parachuting, chasing each other in the middle of the night, the medical facilities for these shows are really not up to snuff. 


(xiànzài de zhēnrénxiù zhēnde shì tà iɡuòhuǒ le. mínɡxīnɡ tiàoshuǐ, tiàosǎn hé bànyè zhuīpǎo, dàn jiémù de yīhù shèshī yòu búɡuòɡuān.) 

B: They really go all out trying to grab people's attention. It's not easy being a star. A lot of them film shows until the early morning hours and have to fly all over the country.


(tāmén wèile bórén yǎnqiú yěshì ɡòupīn de. mínɡxīnɡ zhēnde bùhǎo dānɡ. hěnduōrén lùzhì jiémù dào línɡchén, háiděi quánɡuó ɡèdì fēi.)

A: If audience tastes would change, we wouldn't have so many reality shows. 


(rúɡuǒ ɡuānzhònɡ de kǒuwèi nénɡɡòu huànhuàn, yějiù búhuì yǒu zhèmeduō zhēnrénxiù le ba.)

B: Right? Hope that day comes sooner.


(kěbúshì? xīwànɡ nàtiān zǎodiǎn dàolái.)

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT





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