Xinjiang imam affirms Xinjiang's anti-terrorism efforts

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/12/3 21:23:40

Children in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Photo: Cui Meng/GT

A senior imam in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region called on Western media to stop spreading rumors about Xinjiang, and he invited more people to visit Xinjiang to experience its social stability and harmony.

"In my view, it is very good and necessary to set up vocational training and education centers in accordance with the law to protect people of all ethnic groups from terrorism and extremism to the maximum extent possible," Abuduxiker Rehemudula, vice president of Xinjiang Islamic Association and the imam of the Baima Mosque in Urumqi, said in an article he wrote for Xinjiang-based news site on Tuesday.

Violent terrorist and religious extremist forces once carried out destructive activities in Xinjiang, seriously affecting social order, severely trampling on people's rights to life, health and development of all ethnic groups, he said, adding that attacks seriously hindered Xinjiang's economic and social development.

He said the Xinjiang regional government insists on prioritizing preventive counter-terrorism. 

Abuduxiker, who was born and raised in Xinjiang, said great changes have taken place in the region's economy, society, culture, education and transportation over the decades. But he also witnessed some around him were infiltrated by religious extremist forces.

Some refused to let their children attend school while some are hostile to society and the people around them, and gradually lose their common sense.

"If religious extremism is allowed to continue without control, will there be a future for Xinjiang?" wrote Abuduxiker.

To strike against terrorism and extremism, vocational training and education centers have been set up to provide those subjected to religious extremist propaganda with trainings in the common language, laws and practical skills.

After training, some returned to their original jobs and some set up businesses with skills they learned in the center.

"I really appreciate the government for getting me back to normal life. Now I have a broader vision, more contact with my family and friends. I said goodbye to those days full of fear and ignorance," said Abuduxiker recalling what one center graduate said to him. Therefore, Abuduxiker supports the training center from the bottom of his heart.

Carrying out vocational skill education and training is an imperative move supported by the general public. 

Xinjiang has not seen a single violent terrorist attack in three consecutive years, which further proves the necessity and effectiveness of the training centers, Abuduxiker said.

Posted in: IN-DEPTH