Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/12/4 15:03:40

Chat attack

domestic violence



A: The subject of domestic violence has been appearing rather frequently online lately. 


(jiābào zhèɡè huàtí zuìjìn zài wǎnɡshànɡ chūxiàn de pínlǜ hěnɡāo.) 

B: Yup, female victims are making accusations of domestic violence. There are also women who were subjected to domestic violence for years that ended up forgiving their husbands after divorcing them and the two possibly end up back together. 


(duì, yǒu nǚxìnɡ shòuhàirén kònɡsù shòudào le jiābào. háiyǒu zāoshòu jiābào duōnián de nǚxìnɡ líhūn hòu yòu xuǎnzé le yuánliànɡ zhànɡfū, liǎnɡɡèrén kěnénɡ yǐjīnɡ fùhūn le.)

A: Choose to forgive them? But haven't they heard the saying "It is easier to change the mountains and rivers than it is human nature?" Who can say whether they won't hit their wives again?


(xuǎnzé yuánliànɡ? kěshì méitīnɡɡuò nàjùhuà, "jiānɡshān yìɡǎi, běnxìnɡ nányí" ma? shuínénɡ bǎozhènɡ tāmén yǐhòu bùhuì zài dònɡshǒu ne?)

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT



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