'Potato cook-off' keeps Shanghai residents busy during community lockdown

Source: Global Times Published: 2020/12/2 18:43:40

People load potatoes at a logistics center of agricultural products in Changsha, central China's Hunan Province, Feb. 7, 2020. Changsha has been stepping up efforts to ensure continuous vegetable supply and stable prices in fighting against the novel coronavirus. (Photo by Chen Sihan/Xinhua)

Residents at a community in Shanghai have recently taken part in a frantic "potato cook-off," Xinhua reported.

An elderly couple who live in the community brought home four tons of potatoes in the hope of selling it to a local market. However, they were then told to stay in their community due to COVID-19 regulations.

Saddled with a whole truck of potatoes, the devastated couple began selling them inside the community. Upon learning the news, warmhearted neighbors came to the rescue with their shopping bags, and bought as many potatoes as they could. 

Some of them even turned their daily meals into an "all-potato banquet" and posted the recipes on WeChat groups, which soon prompted a heated competition among households, who sought to outdo each other. 

The couple sold 450 kilograms in just a few days, and expressed heartfelt thanks.

Global Times

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