U.S. "inhumane" sanctions block Iran's purchase of COVID-19 vaccines: central bank head

Source: Xinhua Published: 2020/12/8 11:57:10

A girl is seen in a car in Tonekabon, Iran, on Dec. 6, 2020. (Photo: Xinhua)

The governor of Iran's central bank said on Monday the U.S. "inhumane sanctions" have blocked Iran's purchase of vaccines needed to tackle the COVID-19 epidemic, official news agency IRNA reported.

"Because the purchase of the COVID-19 vaccine has to be done through the official channels of the World Health Organization (WHO), all the paths to pay and transfer the required currency have so far been blocked by the inhumane embargoes of the U.S. government and the need to obtain an Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) license," Abdolnaser Hemmati wrote on social media.

The International Monetary Fund did not "even dare" to raise Iran's request for a humanitarian loan on its board "under pressure and threats from the U.S. and despite acknowledging Iran's right and the absence of any economic or legal obstacles," Hemmati said.

Posted in: MID-EAST