Pop star actors suffer third-degree burns during TV shoot

Source:Global Times Published: 2010-10-25 8:58:00

File photo of Selina Jen, who suffered burns during a filming accident. Photo: IC

By Zhao Yiniu

Pop singers Selina Jen and Yu Haoming each suffered third-degree burns while filming an explosion scene for a TV series in Shanghai on Friday.

The accident happened in Songjiang district when explosives went off prematurely while filming for an episode of I Have a Date With Spring, in which they play the two leading characters. Each of the stars will require skin grafts, though neither received injuries to their head or face.

Jen's most serious burns were on her legs, while her back and hands were also injured, according to Cai Lingli, the communication manager from HIM International Music, which manages the star.

Yang Liu, vice president of Yu's management company, EE-Media, said Yu suffered burns to 39 percent of his body, and is now under observation in an intensive care unit.

Jen, a member of popular Taiwan girl group S.H.E and Yu, a Chinese mainland star who rose to fame after his appearance in singing contest "Super Boy" in 2007, began shooting the TV series on October 19.

Jen's father and fiancé together visited Jen at Ruijin Hospital on October 23, where both of the stars were taken after the accident. Jen's father bowed to journalists and thanked everyone for their concern. "It's inconvenient for me to accept interviews. Thank you for your understanding," he said. However, he later appeared at a press conference to confirm that Jen was last night given the all-clear by doctors to be transferred to a hospital in Taipei.

The director of the TV series, Chen Mingzhang, expressed his sorrow regarding the accident on his microblog. "My heart aches…I accept all the criticism of me. After all, this happened right in front of me. I'm largely responsible for the accident…Let's pray for them. I apologize to everyone," he wrote.


Chen confirmed yesterday that shooting has been suspended and the crew will await the recovery of the two stars. "The leading actor and actress will not be changed unless the two stars and their family members propose it," Chen wrote on his microblog.

Shi Rencheng, the director of the communications department of HIM International Music, used a microblog entry to deny rumors that Jen suffered burns to 50 percent of her body, saying that the injuries suffered by each of the stars would not affect their daily lives.

Police and security staff were posted outside the care units containing the two celebrities yesterday, with hospital staff refusing to answer questions.

There has also been media speculation that Jen, who planned to marry her fiancé next April, may postpone the wedding due to the accident.

Posted in: Society, Metro Shanghai

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