The water margin

By Hu Bei Source:Global Times Published: 2012-9-4 18:00:03

Editor's Note

The ancient Chinese created an agricultural solar system - still in use today - that is based upon their observation of crops, climate, astrology, and the study of animal and plant life cycles. The system guided farmers as to when to sow seeds and when to harvest them, and this system has now been in place for more than 2,000 years.

Today, with advances in science and technology, agriculture depends less on this ancient wisdom. But this seasonal calendar still operates as a reference guide for gourmands to seek out the best times for seasonal delicacies and for health experts to plan nutritious diets.

In a single year, the system features 24 "solar terms," each lasting one day and occurring every two weeks. Each has its own name and characteristics. The Global Times is presenting a weekly series examining which foods and delicacies are best enjoyed during these periods, as well as tips on preserving general health.

During bailu it is good idea to take more physical exercise outside than you would normally do in the summer. Photos: CFP
During bailu it is good idea to take more physical exercise outside than you would normally do in the summer. Photos: CFP

This Friday, September 7, sees the arrival of bailu, or "white dew." This marks a transitional time from summer to autumn, where the temperatures are still generally warm during the day, hovering around 30 C for most of time. At night, however, temperatures can drop quite considerably. This disparity in the temperature widens further when it is raining. As an old saying in China goes, "don't expose yourself outside during bailu."

After entering bailu, it is essential to keep your body both warm and hydrated in order to cope with the cooler and dryer weather.

Outdoor exercising

During bailu it is good idea to take more physical exercise outside than you would normally do in the summer. Endurance exercises are the best option because they encourage perspiration but without exhausting the body.

If you are exercising alone, jogging, aerobics and performing Chinese Tai Chi are all perfect for achieving these aims. And if you prefer team sports, then basketball and badminton are good options. Be careful, however, not to over exert yourself and to restrict the exercise period to no more than one and a half hours.

Breathing deeply

Every day, before you go to sleep and get up, it is advisable to lie on your bed and to take 20 to 30 deep breaths. This is an excellent exercise for the functioning of the lungs.

And during bailu, although the temperature is still generally warm during the day, it is still recommended to wear long-sleeved clothes. And while you are sleeping, cover yourself with a thin quilt, at least to cover your belly if not your whole body. This is also a good way to avoid getting diarrhea.

By the same token, it is important not to wear very warm clothes too hastily. Extra layers should only be added incrementally as the weather turns gradually cooler.

Taro, radish and white fungus are especially beneficial foods during bailu.
Taro, radish and white fungus are especially beneficial foods during bailu.

Warm water bathing

When you are taking a bath during the period of bailu, the water temperature should be kept warm, and it is not recommend to excessively scrub your body because your skin may be dryer than usual and this can cause irritation. Half an hour before bathing it is a good idea to drink a glass of salted boiled water.

During bailu, get into the habit of giving yourself a foot bath and massage after bathing at night. The whole process should last between 15 and 30 minutes which will help heat up the whole body. At the same time, you should also massage your ears and waist from time to time. The ear is said to connect to every part of the body, and rubbing the waist is thought to be beneficial for the kidneys.

Balancing hot and cold

During this period, the intestines and stomach are said to still be unable to cope with excessive nutrition, so it's a good idea not to overeat. It is advisable not to consume as many cold foods as during the summer, otherwise you lay your body open to digestive problems.

Beneficial foods to eat during this period include cassava, taro, radish, white fungus and candied jujubes. These are said to aid the proper functioning of the intestines and stomach as they adapt to climatic variations.

Make sure you start to eat more green vegetable, fruits, grains, fiber and also foods high in minerals. These will help hydrate the body, and to keep your digestive system regular.

Posted in: Metro Shanghai, The Chinese Solar System Explored

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