91% support real names online, says GT survey

By Wen Ya Source:Global Times Published: 2012-12-31 0:39:09

About 91 percent of respondents in a recent poll supported a new decision featuring real-name registration for Web users, according to a survey released on Sunday by the Global Poll Center affiliated to the Global Times.

The survey polled 1,123 residents above 18 in seven cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Xi'an, Changsha and Shenyang from Saturday to Sunday.

It came after the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Friday passed a 12-article decision about measures to safeguard privacy and enshrine real-name requirements for Web users.

The survey shows the number of female supporters is larger than that of males and older people were more likely to support the measure. Respondents with bachelor's degrees showed the least support for the decision, as did respondents who spent more time on the Internet.    

The real-name system restricts online speech freedom to a certain degree but it also restricts the freedom of those who are irresponsible with their words, Zhou Ning, dean with College of the Humanities of Xiamen University, told the Global Times.

In the survey, 81.8 percent of respondents said the most important reason for their support is that the decision is "helpful to protect individuals' information safety and all kinds of personal rights. " And 56.1 percent added that it is useful to improve online credibility and promote online transaction.

Of opponents, 71.6 percent respondents said they oppose the decision mainly because it may cause more individuals to have their personal information leaked. And 54.9 percent said they fear that after they use their real names to report corruption, there will be reprisals.

Posted in: Society, IT

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