19 Taliban including senior commander killed in E. Afghanistan

Source:Xinhua Published: 2013-4-15 20:10:37

Afghan security forces backed by NATO-led troops have eliminated 19 Taliban militants including a senior commander Jamal Farouqi in Nangarhar province, Interior Ministry said in a statement released Monday.

"Afghan National Security Forces (Special Units) and Coalition Forces conducted a clearance operation in Chaharda village, Bati Kot district of Nangarhar province yesterday. During the operation which concluded today, a senior commander of Taliban named Jamal Farouqi with his 18 fighters were killed,"the statement added.

Five Taliban militants sustained injuries and 10 others were arrested with 15 PK machine guns and 40 AK-47 rifles, the statement said.

Elimination of Farouqi is a major setback to the Taliban militants, according to the statement.

Taliban militants who have been fighting the Afghan and NATO- led troops are yet to make comment.

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