Greek police defuse booby-trapped envelope at post office, no injuries

Source:Xinhua Published: 2013-7-3 16:42:16

Greek counter-terrorism experts on Wednesday defused a booby-trapped envelope found at a post office in a small town in eastern Attica prefecture. No injuries occurred, police said.

The envelope was addressed to a high-ranking police officer, according to early information.

Police was notified of a suspicious envelope by post offices employees who noticed a small spark when they accidentally dropped it on the floor.

According to sources, the explosive device is similar to the ones used by the Italian anarchist group FAI in envelopes sent in 2011 to the-then Greek justice minister Haris Kastanidis and the former director of Greece's main prison complex Korydallos.

Greece has suffered from domestic security threats for decades with groups such as Conspiracy of the Nuclei of Fire, Proletariat Self-Defense and Group of Popular Rebels being linked to serious attacks against police, political and business targets.

Posted in: Europe

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