Students sing and pray for Mandela on his 95th birthday in South Africa

Source:Xinhua Published: 2013-7-18 17:23:01

Students sing happy birthday and pray for ailing former South African president Nelson Mandela on the occasion of his 95th birthday in Sandton High School in Johannesburg, South Africa, on July 18, 2013. Photo: Xinhua


Students sing happy birthday and pray for ailing former South African president Nelson Mandela on the occasion of his 95th birthday in Sandton High School in Johannesburg, South Africa, on July 18, 2013. Photo: Xinhua


Students sing happy birthday and pray for ailing former South African president Nelson Mandela on the occasion of his 95th birthday in Sandton High School in Johannesburg, South Africa, on July 18, 2013. Photo: Xinhua


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