Brazil to help Fiji with ethanol production

Source:Xinhua Published: 2013-7-24 14:16:38

The Fiji Sugar Corporation awaits recommendations from Brazil on its initial feasibility study for ethanol production in the country.

State media said Wednesday Fiji Sugar Corporation Chairman Abdul Khan said Brazil was known to be the largest ethanol producing country in the world and that was Fiji looked up to them.

"The Brazilians are reviewing the findings of the study before they send it back to us for implementation,"Khan said in a statement from the Ministry of Information.

He said aspects of ethanol production would be reformed according to the recommendations of the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC).

"We will need to reform aspects of sugar production to incorporate the findings to be able to lift the ethanol project off the ground."

According to a report by the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC) in 2012, more than half of world's ethanol production is produced from sugar and sugar by products.

Technologically, the process of producing ethanol from sugar is simpler than converting corn into ethanol.

"The technology and direct energy costs are but one of several factors that determine the feasibility of ethanol production,"the report stated.

"Other factors include relative production costs (including feedstock), conversion rates, proximity to processing facilities, alternative prices and government policies, facility construction and processing costs."

Fiji has shown increased interest in the production of ethanol from sugar after other countries around the world proved it to be an economically feasible bi-product.

Posted in: Americas

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