8 arrested in Greece for illegal transfer of weapons to Turkey

Source:Xinhua Published: 2013-8-1 9:10:07

Greek police has launched a nationwide investigation into a failed attempt to illegally transfer weapons and ammunition to neighboring Turkey by sea with eight suspectes arrested, Greek authorities announced on Wednesday.

The eight suspects -- three Greek nationals and five Kurds of Turkish nationality -- have been arrested in connection with the seizure of an inflatable boat carrying the cargo off the eastern Aegean Sea island of Chios, police said.

A total of 14 persons have been detained during investigations in Chios, Athens, the northern city of Thessaloniki.

According to Greek police, a routine check by the coast guard revealed anti-tank mortars, hand grenades, handguns, ammunition and explosive devices. The key suspects face accusations of terrorism activity and possession and transport of illegal arms.

One of the Greeks arrested on board is a maritime academy student who claimed he was paid a small sum of money to take the boat to Turkey's coasts, without knowing about the cargo, local media reported.

According to Greek police sources, anti-terrorism squads have also confiscated fake passports, mobile phones, personal computers, USB flash drives and print material in several apartments during the ongoing investigation.

Greek police sources told Xinhua that Greek authorities are investigating possible links between Greek and Kurdish guerilla groups, such as the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party/Front (DHKP-C).

Turkish authorities said that one of the persons arrested is a key DHKP-C member who was involved in a bomb attack at the Turkish Justice Ministry in Ankara in March this year and that his extradition would be sought.

Turkish media repeatedly claim Greece turns a blind eye to the training on Greek soil of those involved in terror attacks in Turkey. The Greek Foreign Ministry has repeatedly and strongly rejected the allegations.

Posted in: Europe

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