Chinese air crew learn kung fu to combat attacks from ‘air rage tribe’

Source:Agencies Published: 2013-8-1 20:18:01

A Chinese airline has introduced kung fu training for staff following attacks on air stewards.

Hong Kong Airlines said they will teach their cabin crews wing chun, a form of kung fu after they put up with some three attacks per week.

Attacks - and at least eight protests at departure gates in the past two months - have been reported at airports across the country as they struggle to maintain flight times. The staff have even invented a new phrase to describe the irate passengers, "king nu zu," which translates as "air rage tribe," reported The Telegraph.

Only 18 per cent of the 22,000 flights from Beijing's Capital airport ran on time, making the ratings the worst in the world, according to the aviation research company FlightStats.

Sudden air traffic flowing into air ways that are controlled by the People's Liberation Army is one of the reasons for the issue. This is aggravated when bad weather forces airlines to delay or cancel flights.

Daily Mail

Posted in: Odd News

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