Moment of Neti-zen

Source:Global Times Published: 2013-9-4 19:48:01

Editor's Note:

Are you up on what the hundreds of millions of Chinese netizens are talking about? Take a moment and get the rundown of what's hot, what's trending, and what's drawing the most buzz on the Chinese blogosphere.

Party official 'proud dad' of half his village's kids

A Party secretary of Hongyang township in remote Sanmenxia village of Henan Province who said that he was "proud to father half of the kids in his village" has prompted a provincial probe into the matter.

Said to be bragging to his colleagues, Zhang Dawan's remarks have raised allegations over whether he sexually assaulted the wives with whom he fathered children while their migrant worker-husbands were out of town, Guangzhou-based magazine South Reviews reported Monday.

Net users are divided on the issue: some are disgusted at the official's immoral behavior while others blame the husbands for leaving their wives at home alone.

"These young villagers have little choice in leaving home to find a job, but they should bring their wives with them," said Net user Cuanjie.

Others were confused about why the women did not report to police afterwards, if they were assaulted.

"It sounds to me like he is acting like an ancient Chinese emperor," said Sina Weibo user Li Baiji. "Locals should be aware of their legal rights."

But Net user Diyxzt said, "We can't blame the women for feeling lonely without the company of their husbands."

Meanwhile, villagers said that officials who embezzle public funds and land make them angrier than those who sexually assault their wives, according to the magazine.

But the sad reality of the allegations "reflect how serious the corruption is in some towns and villages where local officials think they can escape the central government's anti-graft measures," said Sina Weibo user Tianya.

Net users help police recover a girl's tuition

Net users joined forces with police to help a college freshman, after she lost her tuition when her cab driver drove off without giving her time to collect her bags in the trunk, on orientation day in Luoyang, Henan Province.

The college freshman, Zhao Xiaoliang, said her father, a construction worker, started crying on the phone when she told him that the money he gave her for tuition was gone.

Net users who saw Zhao's microblog, circulated it online, urging the "immoral cabbie" to return her belongings - and he did - with not a single mao missing, said police.

"It's so nice to see that when we all do the right thing and pitch in, there can be a happy ending to the story," said Net user Yangyang.

But not everyone was optimistic. Some said that the story only proved the stereotype that everyone knows: "there are more liars and thieves in Henan than elsewhere," said Sina Weibo user Nanfang.

But Henan residents responded angrily, saying that it's not fair to judge them based on the actions of one taxi driver.

"Maybe the cabbie just forgot that the girl's luggage was still in the car. He may never have intended to 'steal' it," said Net user Wu Feng in Luoyang.

Global Times


Posted in: Odd News

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