Pragmatic moves toward S.China Sea COC

By Wu Shicun Source:Global Times Published: 2013-9-18 0:28:01

Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

The Sixth Senior Officials' Meeting and the Ninth Joint Working Group's Meeting on the Implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) came to a close in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, on Sunday.

China and ASEAN countries discussed how they could enhance pragmatic maritime cooperation and candidly exchanged views on the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC) under the framework of the DOC.

The DOC is the first political document signed between China and ASEAN countries on the South China Sea issue. Ever since 2002, the DOC has greatly contributed to peace and stability in the South China Sea and demonstrated its uniquely important role in enhancing mutual trust, maintaining peace and promoting cooperation among relevant parties.

The DOC demonstrates China's willingness to advance friendship, solidarity and cooperation with ASEAN countries.

The DOC makes it clear that all relevant parties should move toward the COC on the basis of general consensus. China has been committed to this promise and maintained dialogue with ASEAN countries on the COC as part of the process of implementing the DOC, which further demonstrates China's determination to safeguard peace, stability and development in the South China Sea.

How shall we tackle the South China Sea issue in the context of new circumstances? This is a practical subject for China and ASEAN countries. It is incumbent on all parties involved to face up to the question and resolve disputes in an appropriate manner by taking practical measures toward the COC.

Negotiating the COC is conducive to defusing potential conflicts in the South China Sea. The COC is not designed as a dispute settlement mechanism and it does not influence a country's sovereignty or claim to maritime rights. Instead, the COC is intended to enhance mutual trust and promote cooperation among relevant parties and set the scene for a peaceful resolution to disputes based on bilateral consultation.
In this regard, both China and ASEAN countries have reached a high degree of consensus.

The future direction and ultimate goal of the COC are to guarantee peace, enhance cooperation and promote friendship, which are consistent with the DOC and are in the common interests of all countries and their people in the region.

Negotiating the COC is part of China's active efforts to advocate for the formulation of maritime rules. The right to make rules in the South China Sea must be in the hands of countries in the region.

Negotiating the COC with ASEAN countries is another important act by China to facilitate the establishment of diplomatic norms in the South China Sea, showcasing China's willingness to participate in the formulation and utilization of these rules.

The COC has a bearing on the interests of the littoral countries and the long-term peace of the region. As a country with relevant sea borders, it is China's right and obligation to participate in and guide the policymaking process in order to produce rules that best accommodate regional interests in their entirety.

China cannot step away from its obligation to guide the direction and pace of the COC.

China has its own views and determination regarding the COC, which will not be muddled by external interference. China will not succumb to any external pressure. Of course, China will set its eye on regional interests in their entirety instead of sticking to its own opinion.

In early August, China put forward four viewpoints regarding the formulation of the COC, including rational expectations, consensus, elimination of outside interference and progressive development, which pointed out directions for the COC.

The Chinese government has shown clear and firm resolution in safeguarding territorial sovereignty and maritime rights. China will never barter away its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights in the South China Sea.

The COC is part of the efforts to implement the DOC. The top priority at present is that all relevant parties should continue their pragmatic maritime cooperation, enhance mutual trust and promote consensus under the framework of the DOC while negotiating the COC, which will definitely lay a solid foundation for the formulation of the COC.

The author is president of National Institute for South China Sea Studies.

Posted in: Viewpoint

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