Greece to push forward EU-China relationship during presidency

Source:Xinhua Published: 2013-10-2 10:49:22

Greece would like to push forward EU-China relations during its upcoming EU presidency, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Greece Dimitris Kourkoulas told Xinhua on Tuesday.

"Both Greece and the European Union attaches great importance to developing relations with China," said Kourkoulas.

"Greece is willing to make further efforts to develop the EU-China relationships in our presidency, and try our best to avoid any issue that may be detrimental to EU-China relations," he added.

"First of all, we will stick on deepening and expanding economic exchanges and trade with China, try to solve the trade frictions through dialogues and conversations," said Kourkoulas.

Greece is to take the EU rotating presidency in the first half of 2014, which was seen as a confirmation of renewed confidence in the country.

Posted in: Diplomacy, Europe

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