Ukraine to resume loan talks with IMF

Source:Xinhua Published: 2013-10-3 9:53:03

Ukraine will hold the next round of talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) over a new stand- by loan program in Washington on Oct. 10-13, an official from the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) said Wednesday.

"On October 10, the Ukrainian delegation will leave for Washington, which will host the annual meeting of the IMF," Alexandr Dubykhvost, head of the NBU's department for foreign currency reserve, told reporters.

Ukraine and the IMF were in continuous dialogue over granting new loans worth 10 billion of IMF special drawing rights or 15.36 billion US dollars to Kiev, Dubykhvost said.

Negotiations between Ukraine and the global lender on the funding have been under way since February 2011, after a 15- billion-dollar stand-by loan program was frozen.

During the latest round of talks in Kiev in March-April, the IMF noted "progress in Ukraine's financial system stabilization," but said it has not decided on releasing the loan due to disagreements with the Ukrainian government over gas costs and flexibility of the exchange rate of Ukrainian currency.

Ukraine, with a projected budget deficit of 2.7 percent of GDP for 2014 and low level foreign exchange reserves, needs the IMF loan to make its debt payments, which will amount to 10.8 billion dollars next year.

Moody's lowered Ukraine's bond rating by one notch to Caa1 in September, saying Ukraine's foreign currency reserves had fallen 30 percent in a year to 19.7 billion dollars at the end of August, enough to cover just 2.3 months' worth of imports.

Posted in: Economy

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