Fiji to mark 43rd Independence Day

Source:Xinhua Published: 2013-10-7 14:09:32

Official celebrations will be held this week across the country to mark the 43rd anniversary of Fiji's Independence Day, with the theme "Moving together in unity to ensure a prosperous Fiji", the government announced Monday.

In capital Suva, official celebrations will be held Thursday at Albert Park with the trooping of the colors by the Republic of Fiji Military Forces, said the Ministry of Information, adding that President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau will be chief guest at the event and will view the parade.

In other places across the country, various activities have been organized. In Labasa, Lautoka and Levuka, celebrations will feature entertainment and displays by both government and the private sector.

As Oct. 10 is a public holiday, the Fijian government is calling on all Fijians at home and abroad to celebrate the Independence Day, also known as Fiji Day, by spending it with friends and families.

The government is also calling on both the public and private sector to celebrate Fiji Day by proudly displaying Fiji Flags outside their offices.

Fiji was colonized by Britain in 1874 and gained independence on Oct. 10, 1970.

Posted in: Asia-Pacific

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