Figuratively speaking

Source:Global Times Published: 2013-10-10 18:58:01

7,533- the number of restaurants in Haidian district that have recently publicized their food safety information by providing quick response (QR) codes that can be scanned using cell phones. Customers who text "a" to 10658081 or log on can download the food safety app. By scanning the QR code on restaurants' menus or business licenses, customers can check information about the restaurant, including whether food additives are used in dishes and whether the business has breached food safety regulations in the past.

2- the number of tons of chestnuts picked this year from ancient chestnut trees planted during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) in Jiuduhe township, Huairou district. More than 80 trees, all more than 500 years old, on average produce 30 to 35 kilograms of fruit each year. These fruits are said to be sweeter than fruits from other trees. Chestnuts are usually picked in early October.

27- the cost in yuan ($4.40) for a medium-sized latte sold at Starbucks in China. The price is 30 percent higher than at Starbucks outlets in the US. In recent years, the global coffee giant's profits in China have far exceeded its revenue earned in the US. A Chinese marketing expert said Starbucks intentionally sets its prices high in China to target middle- to high-end consumers. Starbucks aims to have 1,500 stores in China by 2015.

100- the approximate number of Chenghua pigs in Sichuan Province. Pork from the swine species, which is native to the province, is ideally used in the dish huiguorou (twice-cooked pork) and for making Jinhua ham, a type of dry-cured ham from Zhejiang Province that dates back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Luo Chenggang, a Chengdu-based livestock expert, said Chenghua pigs are more endangered than pandas in China.

Posted in: Twocents-Opinion

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