3,000 afflicted Syrians evacuated from hotspot in Damascus

Source:Xinhua Published: 2013-10-14 10:09:46

Syria's Social Affairs Ministry in cooperation with the Red Crescent evacuated on Sunday as many as 3,000 children and women from the hotspot suburb of Muadamieh west of the capital Damascus, the state-run SANA news agency reported.

SANA said the evacuees were held by the "armed terrorist groups, " and the minister of social affairs Kinda Shamout said the initiative came after the "terrorists" prevented the reach of humanitarian aides to the area.

She said all of the evacuees were transported to temporary shelters equipped with all necessities, adding that the Red Crescent provided the urgent medical help to the saved people.

The evacuation process at Muadamieh has been dragging on for the second consecutive day. On Saturday, The Syrian Arab Red Crescent ( SARC) evacuated as many as 1,500 civilians from that battlefield.

The news came as local media said that the Syrian army opened routes for civilians to leave Muadamieh, which has emerged as a battlefield for intense clashes between the rebels and the Syrian troops.

SARC has been carrying out its work amid tough security conditions in the war-torn country. The non-governmental organization has lost about 22 of its volunteers while trying to reach the needy people across Syria.

Posted in: Mid-East

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