Turkey asks NATO to extend Patriot missile deployment

Source:Xinhua Published: 2013-11-13 21:53:22

Turkey has requested NATO to extend the deployment of Patriot missiles for another year, a NATO official confirmed on Wednesday.

"We have received a letter from the Turkish government requesting the continuation of the Patriot mission," the official who requested anonymity told Xinhua.

"The North Atlantic Council has regularly assessed the situation and the implementation of the Patriot mission. It is clear that the overall risks and threats to Turkey remain serious," the official said.

"Allies have shown a strong commitment to protect and defend Turkey. Any continuation of the deployment would reaffirm the determination of NATO to deter threats and defend Turkey, reflecting and confirming once again NATO's solidarity with Turkey, " the official continued.

In December last year, NATO decided to deploy advanced Patriot missiles to Turkey's southern border to counter potential attacks from neighboring Syria.

The United States, Germany and the Netherlands have deployed six Patriot batteries and about 1,200 troops in the southern city of Adana and the southeastern cities of Kahramanmaras and Gaziantep.

Posted in: Europe

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