Kenyan police arrest 35 aliens in northern region

Source:Xinhua Published: 2013-12-20 19:43:14

Police in Kenya's northern town of Isiolo on Friday arrested 35 Ethiopian aliens near Ngaremara on transit to South Africa via the border town.

The aliens in their 20s were ferried to the border areas between Ethiopia and Kenya by a private vehicle before they boarded a truck on their way to Nairobi.

Isiolo Police Commandant Nelson Okioga said the youths were illegally in the country because they did not have any valid documents.

He said the police intercepted the youths some km from Archers post barrier following a tip off from the members of the public.

"We are investigating the mass exodus of youthful Ethiopians to South Africa because almost 90 percent of those arrested in the areas have no travel documents," Okioga said.

Okioga said the security agents have increased patrols along the Isiolo-Moyale highway to ensure that brokers don't sneak into the country aliens.

The commander regretted that some of the senior businessmen in the region were behind the cartels which aid aliens and criminals to sneak into the country.

He said more than 200 aliens entered the vast and remote region in northern Kenya every week. They were through the Isiolo-Nairobi channel to South Africa in search of employment and other opportunities.

Posted in: Africa

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