Gunfire erupts at airport in Central African Republic's capital

Source:Xinhua Published: 2014-2-19 23:31:23

Gunfire erupted Wednesday at the airport of Bangui, the capital of Central African Republic, one day after deaths reported in an operation by Chadian soldiers to evacuate their countrymen to the airport, witnesses said.

Christian militia known as anti-Balaka apparently attempted to block the evacuation of the Chadian refugees, mostly Muslims, sparking a second day of clash,

Chadian soldiers, as part of the African Union-led International Support Mission for Central African Republic (MISCA) deployed on Dec. 19, 2013, clashed with opponents Tuesday when escorting Chadian refugees to a military base near Bangui's M'poko airport.

At least six people died in confrontations in Bangui and Damara, a town 70 km north of the capital, local residents reported Tuesday.

Anti-Balaka militia accuse Chadian soldiers of siding with ex- Seleka rebels in operations to disarm combatants in Bangui, while Chadian peacekeepers have repeatedly denied the charges.

Since ex-rebel Seleka ousted former president Francois Bozize in March 2013, the country of 4.6 million population has been beset by inter-religious conflicts with an escalation of fighting between anti-Balaka militia and Muslim-dominated Seleka.

The violence led to the step-down of Michel Djotodia, who headed Seleka to power in March 2013, but failed to stop insecurity characterized by looting, abuses and clashes.

Transition President Catherine Samba Panzadown is still facing security challenges especially in Bangui after replacing Djotodia this year, despite her pledges for national reconciliation and the deployment of the 6,000-strong MISCA mission and 1,600 French peacekeepers.

Posted in: Africa

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